4. Syslog Configuration

Sagan typically receives its data from a third party daemon. This is typically something like rsyslog, syslog-ng or nxlog. The first step is to get one of those systems set up.

4.1. rsyslog - “pipe” mode

Below is a simple rsyslog configuration to output to Sagan in a legacy “pipe” delimited format. The Sagan input-type (set in the sagan.yaml) will need to be set to pipe. For more information, consult the rsyslog documentation for templates, properties and the property replacer.

Example rsyslog “pipe” configuration, can be installed as /etc/rsyslog.d/10-sagan.conf:

template(name="SaganPipe" type="list") {
    property(name="timereported" dateformat="year")
    property(name="timereported" dateformat="month")
    property(name="timereported" dateformat="day")
    property(name="timereported" dateformat="hour")
    property(name="timereported" dateformat="minute")
    property(name="timereported" dateformat="second")
    # Note: already escaped if EscapecontrolCharactersOnReceive is on (default)
    property(name="msg" controlcharacters="escape")

*.*  action(type="ompipe" pipe="/var/sagan/fifo/sagan.fifo" template="SaganPipe")

NOTE: rsyslog’s “msg” property includes the space after the colon. This is important because Sagan’s liblognorm rules also expect the leading space.

To receive over UDP you’ll also need to uncomment these lines in /etc/rsyslog.conf:

# provides UDP syslog reception
input(type="imudp" port="514")

Set appropriate permissions on the fifo before restarting rsyslog. (Beware: if you run sagan as root, it will reset them back again):

sudo chown sagan:syslog /var/sagan/fifo/sagan.fifo
sudo chmod 420 /var/sagan/fifo/sagan.fifo
sudo systemctl restart rsyslog

To test:

logger -t sshd "User ubuntu not allowed because shell /etc/passwd is not executable"

4.2. rsyslog - JSON mode

Below is a simple rsyslog configuration to output to Sagan in a “JSON” format. The Sagan input-type (set in the sagan.yaml) will need to be set to json. You will also need to set your json-software to rsyslog.

This uses rsyslog’s standard JSON output:

template(name="SaganJson" type="list") {

*.*  action(type="ompipe" pipe="/var/sagan/fifo/sagan.fifo" template="SaganJson")

It formats messages as per the following sample:

    "msg": " Stopping System Logging Service...",
    "rawmsg": "<30>Oct 28 16:32:13 systemd[1]: Stopping System Logging Service...",
    "timereported": "2019-10-28T16:32:13.970608+00:00",
    "hostname": "sagan",
    "syslogtag": "systemd[1]:",
    "inputname": "imuxsock",
    "fromhost": "sagan",
    "fromhost-ip": "",
    "pri": "30",
    "syslogfacility": "3",
    "syslogseverity": "6",
    "timegenerated": "2019-10-28T16:32:13.970608+00:00",
    "programname": "systemd",
    "protocol-version": "0",
    "structured-data": "-",
    "app-name": "systemd",
    "procid": "1",
    "msgid": "-",
    "uuid": null,
    "$!": null

Unfortunately it does not include the text versions of the facility and severity, nor format the date and time the way Sagan expects. So an alternative approach is to build up the JSON message explicitly containing the required fields:

template(name="SaganJson" type="list") {
    property(name="fromhost-ip" format="jsonf")
    property(name="syslogfacility-text" format="jsonf")
    property(name="pri" format="jsonf")
    property(name="syslogseverity-text" format="jsonf")
    property(name="syslogtag" format="jsonf")
    property(name="timereported" dateformat="year")
    property(name="timereported" dateformat="month")
    property(name="timereported" dateformat="day")
    property(name="timereported" dateformat="hour")
    property(name="timereported" dateformat="minute")
    property(name="timereported" dateformat="second")
    property(name="programname" format="jsonf")
    property(name="msg" format="jsonf")

*.*  action(type="ompipe" pipe="/var/sagan/fifo/sagan.fifo" template="SaganJson")

To use this, set your json-software to rsyslog-alt.

4.3. syslog-ng - “pipe” mode

Below is a simple Syslog-NG configuration to output to Sagan in a legacy “pipe” delimited format. For more complex configurations, please consult the syslog-ng documentation. The Sagan input-type (set in the sagan.yaml) will need to be set to pipe.

Example syslog-ng “pipe” configuration:

# Sources of log data.

source s_src { system(); internal(); };      # Internal
source syslog_in { udp(port(514)); };        # UDP port 514

# A "destination" to send log data to.  In our case, a named pipe (FIFO)

destination sagan_fifo {

# This line ties the sources and destinations together.

log { source(s_src); destination(sagan_fifo); };
log { source(syslog_in); destination(sagan_fifo); };

4.4. syslog-ng - JSON mode

Below is a simple Syslog-NG configuration to output to Sagan in a “JSON” format. For more complex configurations, please consult the syslog-ng documentation. The Sagan input-type (set in the sagan.yaml) will need to be set to json. You will also need to set your json-software to syslog-ng.

Using the Sagan JSON format allows for more flexibility with the log data and is recommended.

Example syslog-ng JSON configuration:

# Sources of log data.

source s_src { system(); internal(); };      # Internal
source syslog_in { udp(port(514)); };        # UDP port 514

# A "destination" to send log data to.  In our case, a named pipe (FIFO)

destination sagan_fifo {
      template("$(format-json --scope selected_macros --scope nv_pairs)\n"));

# This line ties the sources and destinations together.

log { source(s_src); destination(sagan_fifo); };
log { source(syslog_in); destination(sagan_fifo); };

4.5. nxlog

4.6. other sources

5. Sagan Configuration

The primary Sagan configuration file is sagan.yaml. Its default location is the /usr/local/etc directory.

Comments within the sagan.yaml file start with a ‘#’. Stand-alone comments (on lines of their own) and comments after statements are valid.

The sagan.yaml is broken up in several parts. Those parts are vars, sagan-core, processors, outputs and rule-files.

5.1. Sagan with JSON input

Sagan reads data from your favorite syslog daemon (rsyslog, syslog-ng, nxlog, etc) via a “named pipe” (also known as a FIFO). A named pipe operates similarly to a file but with the writer (your syslog daemon) and a reader (Sagan). Rather than the contents being written to a disk or file, the data is stored in kernel memory. This data will wait in kernel memory until a process (Sagan) reads it. Named pipes (FIFOs) allow for separate processes to communicate with each other. Since this happens in kernel memory, the communications is extremely fast.

In order for the writer (syslog daemon) and reader (Sagan) to be able to share data, there has to be a standard between the two. Traditionally, Sagan required the syslog daemon to write data to the file in a very specific format. This was done by a delimiting the data via the ‘|’ (pipe) symbol. This format was similar to a CSV file.

A newer and more flexible way for the writer (syslog daemon) and reader (Sagan) to share data is via JSON. Many modern day syslog daemons offer a JSON output format. This is the ideal method of sharing data as it allows the data to be more dynamic.

Sagan-core configurations for JSON

In the sagan-core section, in the sub section core is where you can set the input-type. There are two valid options. The legacy pipe format or json. If you are using the legacy pipe format, as long as both the syslog daemon can write to the named pipe in the proper format (see Syslog Configuations), there are no other configurations.

If you want to use the input-type of json, you’ll need to specify the mapping type. Below is an example section of the input-type

input-type: json                       # pipe or json
json-map: "$RULE_PATH/json-input.map"  # mapping file if input-type: json
json-software: syslog-ng               # by "software" type.

The json-map is a mapping file to assist Sagan in decoding JSON supplied by your syslog daemon. The json-software configures Sagan “what” JSON map to use in the json-map.

For example, let’s say your syslog daemon is Syslog-NG configured to send JSON to the named pipe (JSON). The data going into the pipe might look similar to this:

{"TAGS":".source.s_src","SOURCEIP":"","SEQNUM":"3341","PROGRAM":"sshd","PRIORITY":"info","PID":"23233","MESSAGE":"Failed password for root from port 34979 ssh2","LEGACY_MSGHDR":"sshd[23233]: ","HOST_FROM":"dev-2","HOST":"dev-2","FACILITY":"auth","DATE":"Apr  3 03:00:46"}

Sagan needs to be able to identify the fields within the Syslog-NG formated JSON data. Within the json-map file, we have this line:


This maps the Syslog-NG fields to internal fields for Sagan to understand. For example, Sagan expects a “message” field. Syslog-NG has this field named “MESSAGE”. This mapping maps “message” = “MESSAGE”. Sagan’s internal “syslog-source-ip” is mapped the Syslog-NG “SOURCEIP” field, and so on.

Take special note of the “software” at the beginning of the JSON input mapping file. This is the name of the “mapping” which is set in the sagan.yaml. In our example, the json-software field is set to syslog-ng. The mapping file contains mappings for multiple software types (syslog-ng, rsyslog, nxlog, etc). The json-software tells Sagan which mapping you want to use.

5.1.1. Sagan JSON variables

"software": "{software type}"

This is the name of the mapping. This is used in the Sagan YAML json-software type.

5.1.2. Mappings:


TCP/IP address of where the log originated from. Typically the syslog server.


Syslog facility.


Syslog level.


Syslog priority.


Syslog timestamp.


Syslog date.


Syslog “message” field. This is the only required option.

6. vars

The var section of the sagan.yaml is a place reserved for declaring variables for the Sagan system to use. Using variables can be useful when you have multiple rules that use semi dynamic content. For example, let’s say you have a signature that looks for a combination of users. In the vars area, you might set up a variable like this:

USERSNAME "bob, frank, mary, david"

Within a signature, you would then reference $USERNAME to have access to the values in that variable. If at a later date you wish to add or remove values from that variable, all signatures will adopt the new variable’s values.

Variables can also be used within the sagan.yaml file. For example, when you set the RULE_PATH variable, it can be used within signatures but also within the sagan.yaml. By doing this, it allows you one location to make changes across multiple configuration options or signatures.

The vars section of the sagan.yaml is broken into subsections. These subsections are sagan-groups, address-groups, port-groups, geoip-groups, aetas-groups, mmap-groups, misc-groups. Each group has its own purpose and function. In the majority of cases, if you want to define variables of your own, you would put them in the misc-groups subsection.

The sagan-groups section is reserved for core Sagan function. For example, where to store lock files, where the FIFO (named pipe) is located for Sagan to read data from, where to store logs, etc.

Example sagan-groups subsection:


   # 'Core' variables used by Sagan.


     FIFO: "/var/sagan/fifo/sagan.fifo"
     RULE_PATH: "/usr/local/etc/sagan-rules"
     LOCKFILE: "/var/run/sagan/sagan.pid"
     LOG_PATH: "/var/log/sagan"

The address-groups is an area to define your network. This is where you define values like $HOME_NETWORK and $EXTERNAL_NETWORK. In the majority of cases, you’ll likely want to leave these any and any. You can create your own separate network groups here. For example, you could create a new variable INTERNAL_NETWORK. Addresses in this group are in the standard CIDR network notation. For example:


Example address-groups subsection:

# HOME_NET and EXTERNAL_NET function similar to Suricata/Snort.  However,
# it's rare you'll want to set them.  In most situations leaving it set
# to "any" is best.


   HOME_NET: "any"
   EXTERNAL_NET: "any"

The port-groups is an area to define common ports and protocols. This section allows you to tailor ports used within your organization. For example, you might run SSH port TCP port 2222 rather than port 22. If you modified the variable in this section, it will be adopted by the rest of the rules.

Example port-groups subsection:

# Common ports used by common protocols.  These variables are used by
# rule sets.


  SSH_PORT: 22
  DNS_PORT: 53
  SNMP_PORT: 161
  POP3_PORT: 110
  IMAP_PORT: 143
  MYSQL_PORT: 3306
  MSSQL_PORT: 1433
  NTP_PORT: 123
  PPTP_PORT: 1723
  FTP_PORT: 21
  SQUID_PORT: 3128

The geoip-groups relate to the *-geoip.rules sets. This allows you to set your organization’s locations. The *-geoip.rules can then monitor for usage within your network from outside of your HOME_COUNTRY.

Example geoip-groups subsection:

# If you are using the -geoip rule sets & Sagan is compile with Maxmind
# GeoIP2 support (https://github.com/maxmind/libmaxminddb/releases),
# you'll want to define your $HOME_COUNTRY. ISO GeoIP country codes can
# be found at http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/legacy/codes/iso3166/



The aetas-groups relate to the *-aetas.rules sets. This allows you to define your organization’s normal “work” hours. The *-aetas.rules can then monitor network usage and tool usage at defined hours of the day.

Example aetas-groups subsection:

# If you want to use -aetas, also known as time based rule sets,  you'll
# want to define the $SAGAN_HOURS and $SAGAN_DAYS variables. $SAGAN_HOURS is
# considered "normal" hours in a 24 hour clock format from "start time" to
# "end time".  $SAGAN_DAYS is the day of the week (0 == Sunday ->
# Saturday).  For more information,  see:


  SAGAN_HOURS: "0700-1800"
  SAGAN_DAYS: "12345"

The mmap-groups allow you to set variables used later in the sagan.yaml to set storage sizes for mmap() files. These variables are used later in the sagan-core section.

Example mmap-groups subsection:

# Variable for the max number of entries Sagan will retain via IPC.



The misc-groups is a generic area to add variables. If you want to add a variable to the sagan.yaml file, this is likely the area you want to add them to.

Example misc-groups subsection:


  CREDIT_CARD_PREFIXES: "4,34,37,300,301,302,303,304,305,2014,2149,309,36,38,39,54,55,6011,6221,6222, 6223,6224,6225,6226,\

   RFC1918: "10.,192.168.,172.16.,172.17.,172.18.,172.19.,172.20.,172.21.,172.22.,172.23.,172.24.,172.25.,172.26.,172.27.,\

  # $WINDOWS_DOMAINS is used by some Windows rule sets to determine if a log
  # message contains or does not contain a valid DOMAIN for your organization.
  # For more information, see:
  # https://quadrantsec.com/about/blog/detecting_pass_the_hash_attacks_with_sagan_in_real_time/


  # Known valid Microsoft PSExec MD5 sums.  Versions v1.98, v2.00, v2.10, v2.11, v2.11 (2016).

  PSEXEC_MD5: "CD23B7C9E0EDEF184930BC8E0CA2264F0608BCB3, 9A46E577206D306D9D2B2AB2F72689E4F5F38FB1,\

7. sagan-core

The sagan-core section defines internal Sagan core functionality. In this section, you can setup Sagan to receive data in different formats, how different data parsers work, tuning and other items.

The sagan-core is broken into subsections. They are core, parse_ip, selector, redis-server, mmap-ipc, ignore_list, geoip, liblognorm and plog.

7.1. core

The core subsection defines and sets some important information in the sagan.yaml configuration. Items like the default-host are used for when Sagan cannot normalize or find IP addresses it needs. The default default-port and default-proto are used for similar purposes.

One important item is the max-threads. This directly controls how much data Sagan can process at any given time. If you find yourself in a situation where Sagan is dropping logs, you likely need to increase this value.

The core is also the area where you can point Sagan to external data. For example, the classifications file assigns priority numbers to different classification levels. The references is a pointer to addresses that Sagan can point users to find more information about an alert.

The flexbit-storage tells Sagan “how” to store flexbit information. In most cases, you’ll want to leave this default (mmap).

The input-type tells what format Sagan will receive data via the named PIPE (FIFO). Traditionally, Sagan uses a “pipe” delimited format. Sagan is increasingly moving to a JSON format and the JSON format will become the default. See the Syslog Configuration portion of this document for more information.

Example core subsection:


  sensor-name: "default_sensor_name"  # Unique name for this sensor (no spaces)
  default-port: 514
  default-proto: udp
  dns-warnings: disabled
  source-lookup: disabled
  fifo-size: 1048576          # System must support F_GETPIPE_SZ/F_SETPIPE_SZ.
  max-threads: 100
  classification: "$RULE_PATH/classification.config"
  reference: "$RULE_PATH/reference.config"
  gen-msg-map: "$RULE_PATH/gen-msg.map"
  protocol-map: "$RULE_PATH/protocol.map"
  flexbit-storage: mmap          # flexbit storage engine. ("mmap" or "redis")
  xbit-storage: mmap             # xbit storage engine. ("mmap" or "redis")

  # Sagan can sends logs in "batches" for performance reasons. In most
  # environments, you'll likely want to set this to 10.  For more busy
  # environments you may want to set this to 100.  This should allow Sagan
  # to comfortably process up to 5k events per/second (EPS).  If you are
  # looking at rates higher than 5k EPS,  please read:
  # https://sagan.readthedocs.io/en/latest/high-performance.html
  # The default setting is 1 which doesn't lead to the best performance.
  # If you get more than 10 events per/second,  you might want to increase
  # the batch-size to 10.

  batch-size: 1

  # Controls how data is read from the FIFO. The "pipe" setting is the traditional
  # way Sagan reads in events and is the default. "json" is more flexible and
  # will become the default in the future. If "pipe" is set, "json-map"
  # and "json-software" have no function.

  input-type: pipe                          # pipe or json
  json-map: "$RULE_PATH/json-input.map"     # mapping file if input-type: json
  json-software: syslog-ng                  # by "software" type.

  # "parse-json-message" allows Sagan to detect and decode JSON within a
  # syslog "message" field.  If a decoder/mapping is found,  then Sagan will
  # extract the JSON values within the messages.  The "parse-json-program"
  # tells Sagan to start looking for JSON within the "program" field.  Some
  # systems (i.e. - Splunk) start JSON within the "program" field and
  # into the "message" field.  This option tells Sagan to "append" the
  # strings together (program+message) and then decode.  The "json-message-map"
  # tells Sagan how to decode JSON values when they are encountered.

  parse-json-message: disable
  parse-json-program: disable
  json-message-map: "$RULE_PATH/json-message.map"

7.1.1. sensor-name

The sensor-name is a unique human readable name of the Sagan instances. This is used to identify data sources. For example, Sagan can write flexbits to a shared database. The sensor-name can help identify which Sagan instance wrote which flexbit.

7.1.2. default-host

The default-host is the TCP/IP address of the Sagan system. This is used in cases where Sagan is unable to normalize data. Set this to your local IP addess.

7.1.3. default-port

The default-port is used when Sagan cannot normalize the destination port from a log message. When that happens, this value is used.

7.1.4. default-proto

The default-proto is the default protocol Sagan uses when the protocol cannot be normalized from a log message. Valid types are udp, tcp` and ``icmp.

7.1.5. dns-warnings

If Sagan receives a hostname rather than an IP address from a syslog server, Sagan has the ability to do an “A record” lookup. If Sagan is unable to do a DNS lookup, it will emit a DNS warning message. The dns-warnings option disables those warnings. The source-lookup option must be enabled for this to have any effect. By default, this option is disabled.

7.1.6. source-lookup

If enabled, the source-lookup option will force Sagan to do a DNS A record lookup when it encounters a hostname rather than an IP address. Sagan performs some internal DNS caching but there is a performance penalty when this option is enabled. Also see dns-warnings. This option is disabled by default.

7.1.7. fifo-size

The fifo-size lets Sagan adjust the size of the named pipe (FIFO). The named pipe is how Sagan gets logs from syslog daemons like rsyslog, syslog-ng and nxlog. By default, most systems set the named pipe size at 63356 bytes. For performance reasons, we set the named pipe to the largest size possible. That size is 1048576 bytes, which is what Sagan defaults to. Valid values are 65536, 131072, 262144, 524288 and 1048576.

7.1.8. max-threads

The max-threads allows you to adjust how many worker threads Sagan spawns. Threads are what do the bulk of the log and data analysis work. Threads are used for CPU intensive analysis along with high latency operations. The busier the system is, the more threads you will need. Threads are also dependent on the type of processors enabled. Some processors, such as threat intelligence lookups require more time to complete. These require idle threads to do those lookups. The proper number of threads is largely dependent on several factors. Start at 100 and monitor the system’s performance. While running Sagan in the foreground, monitor the Thread Exhaustion statistics. This will let you know if Sagan is running out of threads. If this number goes up, increase the number of threads available to Sagan. The default max-threads is set to 100.

7.1.9. classification

This points Sagan to the classications.config. The classifications.config is a file that maps classification types (ie - “attempted recon”) to a priority level (ie - “1”). This data is used in rules via the classtype keyword.


7.1.10. gen-msg-map

The gen-msg-map is used to point processors to their “generator id”. The Sagan engine uses an ID of “1”. This file is used to assign other processors other IDs.


7.1.11. reference

The reference option points Sagan to where the reference.config file is located on the file system. This file is used with the reference rule keyword.


7.1.12. protocol-map

The protocol-map is a simple method that Sagan can use to assign a TCP/IP protocol to a log message. The protocol-map contains either keywords to search for within a log “message” or within a “program” field. For example, if Sagan sees that the program “sshd” is in use, it will assign a TCP/IP protocol of TCP because the protocol SSH uses SSH. Another example might be a router log that contains the term “TCP” or “icmp” in it. Sagan will “see” this and assign the protocol within the log message internally. The protocol-map is used by the parse_proto rule keyword.


7.1.13. flexbit-storage

The flexbit-storage tells Sagan how to store flexbit data. The default is mmap (memory mapped files). Sagan can also store flexbit data in a Redis database. To use the Redis value, Sagan will need to be compiled with hiredis support.

7.1.14. xbit-storage

The xbit-storage tells Sagan how to store xbit data. The default is mmap (memory mapped files). Sagan can also store xbit data in a Redis database. To use the Redis value, Sagan will need to be compiled with hiredis support.

7.1.15. batch-size

The batch-size option lets you set how much data can be passed from Sagan’s master/main thread to “worker” threads (set by max-threads). This option can be very important in performance tuning in high data processing environments. The number specified in this option represents how many “log lines” will be passed. By default, it is set to 1. This means every time that Sagan gets a log line, it will pass it to a worker threads. This isn’t very efficient and there is a performance penalty. If you are in an environment where you expect to process more than 10 events per/second (10 EPS), consider bumping this up to 10 or even the max of 100. If you are processing 50k EPS or more, see the “High Performance Considerations” of this document.

7.1.16. input-type

The input-type tells Sagan how to decode data it receives from the named pipe. There are two option; pipe or json. The pipe format is a legacy Sagan format. Data is received in the named pipe in a CSV format seperated by the ‘|’ symbol. The newer json option tells Sagan to decode the data from the named pipe in a JSON format. When using the json, you will also need to set the json-map and json-software. If you are using the pipe value, no other options are needed. To use the json option, Sagan will need to be compiled with the libfastjson or liblognorm.

7.1.17. json-map

The json-map works in conjuction with the input-type of json. The json-nap tells Sagan where to load a mapping table of different software types (ie - rsyslog, syslog-ng, etc) and their associated JSON decode mappings. The data in this file is used with the json-software option to tell Sagan how do decode incoming JSON data from the named pipe. To use the json-map option, Sagan will need to be compiled with the libfastjson or liblognorm.


7.1.18. json-sofware

The json-software tells Sagan which “map” to use from the json-map file that has been loaded. This mapping tells Sagan how to decode JSON data from the named pipe.

To use the json-software option, Sagan will need to be compiled with the libfastjson or liblognorm.

7.1.19. parse-json-message:

The parse-json-message allows Sagan to automatically detect and decode JSON data within a “message” field of a log line. The option is used in conjuction with parse-message-map and requires that Sagan be compiled with libfastjson or liblognorm support.

7.1.20. parse-json-program:

The parse-json-program allows Sagan to detect JSON that starts within the “program” section of a log message. In certain situations, some systems start JSON within the “program” field rather than within the “message” field. When this happens, Sagan detects it and joins the “program” and “message” fields together (as one data source). Once that is done, the data can be decoded. This option is used in conjunction with parse-message-map and requires that Sagan be compiled with libfastjson or liblognorm support.

7.1.21. json-message-map:

The json-message-map logs a mapping table for use with parse-json-message and parse-json-program. When Sagan detects JSON via parse-json-message and/or via parse-json-program, it will attempt to apply mappings from this file. The “best mapping” wins. That is, the mapping with the most fields identified will “win” and Sagan will use that mapping with the log message. This can be useful for directly processing Suricata EVE logs and Splunk forwarded logs.


7.2. parse_ip

The parse_ip subsection controls how the Sagan rule keywords parse_src_ip and parse_dst_ip function from within rules. The ipv4-mapped-ipv6 determines how Sagan will work with IPv4 addresses mapped as IPv6. If ipv4-mapped-ipv6 is enabled, Sagan will re-write IPv6 mapped addresses (for example ffff:: to normal IPv4 notation (

Example parse_ip subsection:

# This controls how "parse_src_ip" and "parse_dst_ip" function within a rule.

  ipv6: enabled                       # Parse IPv6 Addresses
  ipv4-mapped-ipv6: disabled          # Map ffff:: back to

7.3. selector

The selector can be used in “multi-tenant” environments. This can be useful if you have multiple organizational logs going into one named pipe (FIFO) and you wish to apply rule logic on a per sensor/organization level. The name is the keyword that identifies the selector.

Example selector subsection:

# The "selector" adds "multi-tenancy" into Sagan.  Using the "selector" allows Sagan to
# track IP source, IP destinations, etc. in order to ensure overlapping logs from different
# environments are tracked separately.

  enabled: no
  name: "selector name"        # Log entry must be normalized and this value must
                               # be present in the normalized result

7.4. redis-server (experimental)

The redis-server is a beta feature that allows Sagan to store flexbits in a Redis database rather than a mmap() file. This can be useful in sharing flexbits across multiple platforms within a network. The server is the network address of your Redis server. The port is the network port address of the Redis server. The password is the Redis server’s password. The writer_threads is how many Redis write threads Sagan should spawn to deal with Redis write operations.

Example redis-server subsection:

# Redis configuration.  Redis can be used to act as a global storage engine for
# flexbits.  This allows Sagan to "share" flexbit data across a network infrastructure.
# This is experimental!


  enabled: no
  port: 6379
  #password: "mypassword"  # Comment out to disable authentication.
  writer_threads: 10

7.5. mmap-ipc

The mmacp-ipc subsection tells Sagan how much data to store in mmap() files and where to store it. The ipc-directory is where Sagan should store mmap() file. This is set to /dev/shm by default. On Linux systems /dev/shm is a ram drive. If you want to store mmap() files in a more permanent location, change the ipc-directory. Keep in mind, this may affect mmap() performance. The flexbit, after, threshold and track-clients are the max items that can be stored in mmap(). This typically defaults to 10,000 via the $MMAP_DEFAULT variable.

Example mmap-ipc subsection:

# Sagan creates "memory mapped" files to keep track of flexbits, thresholds,
# and afters.  This allows Sagan to "remember" threshold, flexbits and after
# data between system restarts (including system reboots!).

# This also allows Sagan to share information with other Sagan processes.
# For exampe, if one Sagan instance is monitoring "Linux" logs & another is
# monitoring "Windows" logs, Sagan can communicate between the two Sagan
# processes using these memory mapped files. A "flexbit" that is "set" by the
# "Linux" process is accessible and "known" to the Windows instance.

# The storage is pre-allocated when the memory mapped files are created
# The values can be increased/decreased by altering the $MMAP_DEFAULT
# variable. 10,000 entries is the system default.

# The default ipc-directory is /dev/shm (ram drive) for performance reasons.


  ipc-directory: /dev/shm
  flexbit: $MMAP_DEFAULT
  after: $MMAP_DEFAULT
  threshold: $MMAP_DEFAULT
  track-clients: $MMAP_DEFAULT

7.6. ignore_list

The ignore_list subsection is a simple short circuit list of keywords. If Sagan encounters any keywords in this list, it is immediately dropped and not passed through the rest of the Sagan engine. In high throughput environments, this can save CPU time. The ignore_file is the location and file to load as an “ignore” list.

Example ignore_list subsection:

# A "short circuit" list of terms or strings to ignore.  If the the string
# is found in pre-processing a log message, it will be dropped.  This can
# be useful when you have log messages repeating without any useful
# information & you don't want to burn CPU cycles analyzing them.  Items
# that match will be "short circuit" in pre-processing before rules &
# processors are applied.


  enabled: no
  ignore_file: "$RULE_PATH/sagan-ignore-list.txt"

7.6.1. geoip

The geoip subsection where you can configure Maxminds GeoIP settings. This includes enabling GeoIP lookups, where to find the Maxmind data files and what networks to “skip” GeoIP lookups. The country_database is the Maxmind database to load. The skip_networks option tells Sagan what networks not to lookup. The lookup_all_alerts forces Sagan to add GeoIP information to all alerts. When disabled, GeoIP information is only added to alerts when signatures with country_code is triggered.

Example geoip subsection:

# Maxmind GeoIP2 support allows Sagan to categorize events by their country
# code. For example, a rule can be created to track "authentication
# successes" & associate the country where the successful login came from.  If the
# successful login is from outside your country code,  via the $HOME_COUNTRY
# variable, an alert can be generated.  Sagan will need to be compiled with
# --enable-geoip2 flag.
# Maxmind GeoLite2 Free database:
# http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/
# Country code (ISO3166):
# http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/legacy/codes/iso3166/
# More information about Sagan & GeoIP, see:
# https://quadrantsec.com/about/blog/detecting_adversary_with_sagan_geoip/


  enabled: no
  country_database: "/usr/local/share/GeoIP2/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb"
  lookup_all_alerts: true
  skip_networks: ","

7.7. liblognorm

liblognorm is a way that Sagan can extract useful information from a log file. For example, liblognorm is used to extract source and destination IP addresses, user names, MAC addresses, etc from log data. This option allows you to enable/disable the liblognorm functionality and where to load normalization rulebase files from (see normalize_rulebase). The normalize_rulebase is a mapping file that lets Sagan extract useful information from logs.

More information about liblognorm can be found in the Prerequisites section of the Sagan User Guide and the LibLogNorm <https://FIXME>_ web site.

Example liblognorm subsection:

# Liblognorm is a fast sample-based log normalization library.  Sagan uses
# this library to rapidly extract useful data (IP address, hashes, etc) from
# log messages.  While this library is not required it is recommended that
# Sagan be built with liblognorm enabled.  For more information, see:
# https://wiki.quadrantsec.com/bin/view/Main/LibLogNorm
# The normalize_rulebase are the samples to use to normalize log messages
# Sagan receives.


  enabled: yes
  normalize_rulebase: "$RULE_PATH/normalization.rulebase"

7.8. plog

The plog functionality use to “sniff” syslog messages “off the wire”. If you already have a centralized syslog server you are sending data, the data is not encrypted and is UDP, this option can be used to “sniff” logs while they are in transit to your centralized logging system. In order to “sniff” the logs, you will need a “span” port or “tap”. This option can be useful when testing Sagan’s functionality. This should not be used in production environments since the robustness of “sniffing” varies. The interface option is the network device you want to “sniff” traffic on. the bpf (Berkely Packet Filter) is the filter to use to extract logs from the network. The log-device is where Sagan will inject logs after they are “sniffed” off the network. The promiscuous option puts the network interface Sagan is using in “promiscious mode” or not.

Example plog subsection:

# 'plog',  the promiscuous syslog injector, allows Sagan to 'listen' on a
# network interface and 'suck' UDP syslog messages off the wire.  When a
# syslog packet is detected, it is injected into /dev/log.  This is based
# on work by Marcus J. Ranum in 2004 with his permission.
# For more information,  please see:
# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/beave/sagan/master/src/sagan-plog.c


  enabled: no
  interface: eth0
  bpf-filter: "port 514"
  log-device: /dev/log     # Where to inject sniffed logs.
  promiscuous: yes

8. processors

Sagan processors are methods of detection outside of the Sagan rule engine.

8.1. track-clients

The track-clients processor is used to detect when a syslog client has stopped or restarted sending logs to Sagan. This can be useful for detecting systems where logging has been disabled. In the event a syslog client stops sending logs, Sagan generates an alert for notification purposes. When the syslog client comes back online, Sagan will generate another alert for notification purposes. The time is how long a syslog client has not sent a log message to be considered “down”.

Example track-clients subsection:

# The "tracking clients" processor keeps track of the systems (IP addresses),
# reporting to Sagan.  If Sagan stops receiving logs from a client for a
# specified amount of time ("timeout"), an alert/notification is created.
# When the system comes back online,  another alert/notification is
# created.

- track-clients:
    enabled: no
    timeout: 1440             # In minutes

8.2. rule-tracking

The rule-tracking processor is used to detect unused rule sets. This can be useful for detecting when rules are loaded which do not need to be. Rules that are loaded that are not used waste CPU cycles. This assists with rule tuning. The console option allows for rule tracking statistics to the console when Sagan is being run in the foreground. The syslog option tells Sagan to send rule tracking statistics to syslog. The time option tells Sagan how often to record rule tracking statistics (in minutes).

Example rule-tracking subsection:

# This reports on rule sets that have and have not "fired".  This can be
# useful in tuning Sagan.

- rule-tracking:
    enabled: yes
    console: disabled
    syslog: enabled
    time: 1440                # In minutes

8.3. perfmonitor

** PERFMON has been deperciated for JSON stats as of 2.0.1 **

The perfmonitor processor records Sagan statistics to a CSV file. This can provide useful data about detection and the performance of Sagan. The time option sets how often Sagan should record perfmonitor data.

Example perfmonitor subsection:

# The "perfmonitor" processor writes statistical information every specified
# number of seconds ("time") to a CSV file.  This data can be useful for
# tracking the performance of Sagan.  This data can also be used with
# RRDTool to generate graphs.

- perfmonitor:
    enabled: no
    time: 600
    filename: "$LOG_PATH/stats/sagan.stats"

8.4. blacklist

The blacklist processor reads in a file at load time (or reload) that contains IP addresses you wish to alert on. Detection is controlled by the *-blacklist.rules rule sets. The idea is to load IP addresses of interest into this list and Sagan can monitor for them. The list is a file containing IP and network addresses in a CIDR format (ie -,

Example perfmonitor subsection:

# The "blacklist" process reads in a list of hosts/networks that are
# considered "bad".  For example, you might pull down a list like SANS
# DShield (http://feeds.dshield.org/block.txt) for Sagan to use.  If Sagan
# identifies any hosts/networks in a log message from the list, an alert
# will be generated.  The list can be in a IP ( or CIDR format
# (  Rules identified as -blacklist.rules use this data.
# You can load multiple blacklists by separating them with commas.  For
# example; filename: "$RULE_PATH/list1.txt, $RULE_PATH/list2.txt".

- blacklist:
    enabled: no
    filename: "$RULE_PATH/blacklist.txt"

8.5. bluedot

The bluedot processor looks up data in the Quadrant Information Security “Bluedot” Threat Intelligence database. This is done over a http session. Access to this database is not public at this time.

Example bluedot subsection:

# The "bluedot" processor extracts information from logs (URLs, file hashes,
# IP address) and queries the Quadrant Information Security "Bluedot" threat
# intelligence database.  This database is 'closed' at this time.  For more
# information,  please contact Quadrant Information Security @ 1-800-538-9357
# (+1-904-296-9100) or e-mail info@quadrantsec.com for more information.
# Rules identified with the -bluedot.rules extension use this data.

- bluedot:
    enabled: no
    device-id: "Device_ID"
    cache-timeout: 120
    categories: "$RULE_PATH/bluedot-categories.conf"

    max-ip-cache: 300000
    max-hash-cache: 10000
    max-url-cache: 20000
    max-filename-cache: 1000

    ip-queue: 1000
    hash-queue: 100
    url-queue: 1000
    filename-queue: 1000

    host: "bluedot.qis.io"
    ttl: 86400
    uri: "q.php?qipapikey=APIKEYHERE"

    skip_networks: ","

8.6. zeek-intel (formally “bro-intel”)

The zeek-intel (formally known as bro-intel) allows Sagan to load files from the “Zeek (Bro) intelligence framwork”. This allows Sagan to lookup IP address, hashes and other data from Zeek Intelligence data.

Example zeek-intel subsection:

# The "zeek-intel" (formally "bro-intel") processor allows Sagan to use
# threat intelligence data from the "Zeek (Bro) Intelligence Framework".
# Rules identified with the # -brointel.rules use this data.  For more information
# about this processor,  see:
# https://quadrantsec.com/about/blog/using_sagan_with_bro_intelligence_feeds/
# https://wiki.quadrantsec.com/bin/view/Main/SaganRuleReference#bro_intel_src_ipaddr_dst_ipaddr
# http://blog.bro.org/2014/01/intelligence-data-and-bro_4980.html
# https://www.bro.org/sphinx-git/frameworks/intel.html
# A good aggregate source of Bro Intelligence data is at:
# https://intel.criticalstack.com/

- zeek-intel:
    enabled: no
    filename: "/opt/critical-stack/frameworks/intel/master-public.bro.dat"

8.7. dynamic-load

The dynamic-load processor will detect new logs entering the Sagan engine and can either automatically load rules or send an alert about new logs being detected. The idea here is to have Sagan assist with the detection of network and hardware changes. This rule is tied to the dynamic.rules rule set. The dynamic.rules rule set has signatures used to detect new log data entering the Sagan engine. The sample-date controls how often to look for new logs entering the Sagan engine. The higher the sample-rate the less CPU is used but the longer it will take to detect new data. The lower the sample-rate the faster Sagan can detect new data but at a higher cost to the CPU. The type can be dynamic_load or log_only. If set to dynamic_load, when new data is detected, Sagan will automatically load the associated rule from the dynamic.rules. If set to log_only, Sagan will not load any data and only generate an alert that new data was detected.

Example dynamic-load subsection:

# The 'dynamic_load' processor uses rules with the "dynamic_load" rule option
# enabled. These rules tell Sagan to load additional rules when new log
# traffic is detected.  For example,  if Sagan does not have 'proftpd.rules'
# enabled but detects 'proftp' log traffic,  a dynamic rule can automatically
# load the 'proftpd.rules' for you.  Dynamic detection rules are named
# 'dynamic.rules' in the Sagan rule set.  The "sample-rate" limits amount of
# CPU to dedicated to detection new logs. The "type" informs the process
# "what" to do.  Valid types are "dynamic_load" (load & alert when new rules
#  are loaded), "log_only" (only writes detection to the sagan.log file) and
# "alert" (creates an alert about new logs being detected).

- dynamic-load:
    enabled: no
    sample-rate: 100          # How often to test for new samples.
    type: dynamic_load        # What to do on detection of new logs.

9. outputs

Sagan supports writing data in various formats. Some formats may be more suitable for humans to read, while others might be better for outputing to databases like Elasticsearch and MySQL.

9.1. eve-log

Sagan can write to Suricata’s “Extensible Event Format”, better known as “EVE”. This is a JSON format in which events (alerts, etc) are written to. This data can then be used to transport data into Elasticsearch (using software like Logstash) or Meer (for MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL) output. If you are looking to get alert data into any database back end, you’ll likely want to enable this output plugin.

Example eve-log subsection:


  # EVE alerts can be loaded into software like Elasticsearch and is a good
  # replacement for "unified2" with software like "Meer".  For more
  # information on Meer, Check out:
  # https://github.com/beave/meer

  - eve-log:
      enabled: no
      interface: logs
      alerts: yes                     # Logs alerts
      logs: no                        # Send all logs to EVE.
      filename: "$LOG_PATH/eve.json"

9.2. alert

The alert format is a simple, multiline human readable format. The output is similar to that of traditional Snort alert log.

Example alert subsection:

# The 'alert' output format allows Sagan to write alerts, in detail, in a
# traditional Snort style "alert log" ASCII format.

- alert:
    enabled: yes
    filename: "$LOG_PATH/alert.log"

9.3. fast

The fast format is a simple, single line human readable format. The output is similar to the traditional Snort “fast” log.

Example fast subsection:

# The 'fast' output format allows Sagan to write alerts in a format similar
# to Snort's 'fast' output format.

- fast:
    enabled: no
    filename: "$LOG_PATH/fast.log"

9.4. smtp

The smtp output allows Sagan to send alerts via e-mail.

Example smtp subsection:

# The 'smtp' output allows Sagan to e-mail alerts that trigger.  The rules
# you want e-mailed need to contain the 'email' rule option and Sagan must
# be compiled with libesmtp support.

- smtp:
    enabled: no
    from: sagan-alert@example.com
    subject: "** Sagan Alert **"

9.5. syslog

The syslog output plugin writes alerts to the system’s syslog that Sagan is running on. This can be useful for forwarding Sagan alert data to other SIEMs.

Example syslog subsection:

# The 'syslog' output allows Sagan to send alerts to syslog. The syslog
# output format used is exactly the same as Snort's.  This means that your
# SIEMs Snort log parsers should work with Sagan.

- syslog:
    enabled: no
    facility: LOG_AUTH
    priority: LOG_ALERT
    extra: LOG_PID

10. rule-files

The rule-files section tells Sagan what “rules” to load. This can be a list of files or rules that can be broken out into seperate include.

Example rule-files subsection:


  # Dynamic rules - Only use if you have the 'dynamic_load' processor enabled #

  #- $RULE_PATH/dynamic.rules

  # GeoIP rules - Only use if you have $HOME_COUNTRY and 'geoip' core enabled #

  #- $RULE_PATH/cisco-geoip.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/citrix-geoip.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/courier-geoip.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/f5-big-ip-geoip.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/fatpipe-geoip.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/fortinet-geoip.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/imapd-geoip.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/juniper-geoip.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/openssh-geoip.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/proftpd-geoip.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/riverbed-geoip.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/snort-geoip.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/ssh-tectia-server-geoip.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/vmware-geoip.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/vsftpd-geoip.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/windows-geoip.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/windows-owa-geoip.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/zimbra-geoip.rules

  # Aetas rules - Only use if $SAGAN_HOUR/$SAGAN_DAY is defined!              #

  #- $RULE_PATH/cisco-aetas.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/fatpipe-aetas.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/fortinet-aetas.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/juniper-aetas.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/openssh-aetas.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/proftpd-aetas.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/riverbed-aetas.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/ssh-tectia-server-aetas.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/windows-aetas.rules

  # Malware rules - Rules useful for detecting malware.                       #

  #- $RULE_PATH/cisco-malware.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/fortinet-malware.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/nfcapd-malware.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/proxy-malware.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/windows-malware.rules

  # Bro Intel rules - Make sure the 'bro-intel processor is enabled!          #

  #- $RULE_PATH/cisco-brointel.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/citrix-brointel.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/windows-brointel.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/windows-owa-brointel.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/bro-intel.rules

  # Bluedot rules - Make sure the 'bluedot' processor is enabled!             #

  #- $RULE_PATH/bluedot.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/bro-bluedot.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/cisco-bluedot.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/citrix-bluedot.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/courier-bluedot.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/f5-big-ip-bluedot.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/fatpipe-bluedot.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/fortinet-bluedot.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/imapd-bluedot.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/juniper-bluedot.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/openssh-bluedot.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/proftpd-bluedot.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/riverbed-bluedot.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/snort-bluedot.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/ssh-tectia-server-bluedot.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/vmware-bluedot.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/vsftpd-bluedot.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/windows-bluedot.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/windows-owa-bluedot.rules

  # Correlated rules - Rules that use xbits/flexbit to detect malicious behavior #

  - $RULE_PATH/cisco-correlated.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/citrix-correlated.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/courier-correlated.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/fatpipe-correlated.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/fortinet-correlated.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/imapd-correlated.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/openssh-correlated.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/ssh-tectia-server-correlated.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/vmware-correlated.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/vsftpd-correlated.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/windows-correlated.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/windows-owa-correlated.rules

  # Standard rules - Rules that do not require any dependencies.              #

  #- $RULE_PATH/as400.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/adtran.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/apache.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/apc-emu.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/arp.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/artillery.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/asterisk.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/attack.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/barracuda.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/bash.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/bind.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/carbonblack.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/bonding.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/bro-ids.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/cacti-thold.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/cisco-acs.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/cisco-ise.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/cisco-cucm.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/cisco-ios.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/cisco-meraki.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/cisco-pixasa.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/cisco-prime.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/cisco-wlc.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/citrix.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/courier.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/cylance.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/deleted.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/digitalpersona.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/dovecot.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/f5-big-ip.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/fatpipe.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/fipaypin.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/fortinet.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/ftpd.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/grsec.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/honeyd.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/hordeimp.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/hostapd.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/huawei.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/imapd.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/ipop3d.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/juniper.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/kismet.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/knockd.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/linux-kernel.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/milter.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/mongodb.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/mysql.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/nexpose.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/nfcapd.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/nginx.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/ntp.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/openssh.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/openvpn.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/oracle.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/palo-alto.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/php.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/postfix.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/postgresql.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/pptp.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/procurve.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/proftpd.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/pure-ftpd.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/racoon.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/riverbed.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/roundcube.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/rsync.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/samba.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/sendmail.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/snort.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/solaris.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/sonicwall.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/squid.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/ssh-tectia-server.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/su.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/symantec-ems.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/syslog.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/tcp.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/telnet.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/trendmicro.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/tripwire.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/vmpop3d.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/vmware.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/vpopmail.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/vsftpd.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/web-attack.rules
  #- $RULE_PATH/weblabrinth.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/windows-applocker.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/windows-auth.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/windows-emet.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/windows-misc.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/windows-mssql.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/windows-security.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/windows-owa.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/windows.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/windows-sysmon.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/wordpress.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/xinetd.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/yubikey.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/zeus.rules
  - $RULE_PATH/zimbra.rules

# Include other configs

# Includes.  Files included here will be handled as if they were
# included in this configuration file.

#include: "/usr/local/etc/include1.yaml"
#include: "$RULE_PATH/include2.yaml"